Before bashing this man for his insane projection for the crypto world, understand the dynamics behind the blockchain and its disruptive aspects. It’s entirely possible that all of the cynics will be proven wrong. That’s not to say there isn’t a stark pullback just beyond the bend, but at $750 billion and growing daily, I think we should at least pay attention to people who study the blockchain and get paid for making balls to the wall calls.
Here’s Mitch Stevens from RBC talking shit about cloud storage companies like Dropbox, suggesting they’ll get fuck hard with the proliferation of the blockchain. Stevens predicts the chain could rise in value, over the next decade or so, to over $10 trillion.
Plainly, he calls it Web 3.0 and considers this an entire rebuild of the internet as we know it.
Source/More: RBC Analyst: ‘We’re Rebuilding the Internet’; Crypto Currency Market Going to $10 Trillion – Trading with The Fly