Reason no. 1: Equifax. One area of online life most ripe for disruption is identity: How does anyone really know you are who you say you are? Nowadays, credit agencies and social networks li... Read more
Job recruiters, be ready for a wave of requests to hire blockchain talent in 2018. The number of job postings on LinkedIn related to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and bitcoin increased at leas... Read more
A new layer of code could address two problems that inhibit use of bitcoin in transactions. In 2014, Joseph Poon and Thaddeus Dryja were bitcoin-obsessed engineers hanging out at pizza-fuele... Read more
The IOTA community suffered a major setback over the weekend as several users lost an estimated total of $4 million worth of tokens in a widespread theft. Over the weekend, several IOTA user... Read more
Cryptocurrency and blockchains are amazingly innovative, but dodgy as hell. Here’s some advice for governments trying to help Cryptocurrencies and blockchains are here to stay, so now... Read more
After launching in early 2017, Bitcoin investment lending platform BitConnect became the largest scam in cryptocurrency ever. Here’s how it pulled it off. In a menacing turn of events... Read more
You’ve heard of proof of work, but what about proofs of proofs of work? A complex notion, the research on “Non-Interactive Proofs of Proofs of Work,” or NiPoPoW, released i... Read more
Blockchain is more carnival strongman than Hercules — impressive, but far from omnipotent. ‘Blockchain’ is a term that evokes a strong response, comment or opinion — valid or not. In the mos... Read more
Blockchain technology is beginning to change everything from contracts to CVs (Source: Getty) Barely a day went by in 2017 without bitcoin making the headlines. Yet, a quick buck aside, to t... Read more
Over the past year, bitcoin has soared in value, reaching as high as $19,000 per coin. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? The first time monetary value was assigned to bitcoin—a t... Read more