German Radoslav Albrecht has founded an online bank that allows clients to transfer loans anywhere in the world using Bitcoin. Bitbond uses cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to bypass the Swift... Read more
The introduction of blockchain is expected to shake up the centuries-old trade-finance industry, reducing the numerous documents and several days of processing needed for a single transactio... Read more
In March, China’s national government set up the Blockchain Registry Open Platform (BROP) through the country’s central bank. It aims to develop intellectual property rights on the blockchai... Read more
While cryptocurrency exchanges are mostly a legitimate business, the model of ‘crypto brokers’ is questionable With the advent of the cryptocurrency industry, one of the first components tha... Read more
An increasing number of real estate companies are accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. The London-based Westbury Investments real estate company will now accept cryptocurrencies... Read more
Batavia, a global trade finance platform based on distributed ledger technology (DLT), which has been jointly developed by a consortium consisting of IBM, Bank of Montreal, CaixaBank, Commer... Read more
Edelman’s Trust Barometer shows a marked decline in trust in public and private institutions around the world. This trust deficit is showing up in some insidious ways affecting elector... Read more
The National Audit of the People’s Republic of China, the country’s supreme audit institution, is pinning high hopes on blockchain technology as a way to improve government auditing function... Read more
Tech billionaire Tim Draper, an avowed bitcoin bull, says Switzerland is losing its status as a cryptocurrency haven amid escalating regulatory crackdowns on initial coin offerings (ICOs). D... Read more
Syrian refugees could regain legal identities that were lost when they fled their homes. A few times a month, Bassam pushes a shopping cart through the aisles of a grocery store stocked with... Read more